BJJ – Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for Kid’s in Hendersonville, NC

Larry Shealy // Uncategorized


August 13  

With public schools coming soon, and a large contingency of home schoolers in Hendersonville, NC, parents are searching for good, healthy outlets for their children. With that said, there is a great sports outlet now available near downtown Hendersonville. Hendo BJJ is opening 3 classes in BJJ – Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for Kids in Hendersonville, NC., beginning on Tuesday, September 7th, at 6:00pm to 6:45pm. 

Professor Larry Shealy has been involved in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (aka: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & BJJ) since 1994, and owned a BJJ Academy in Neptune Beach, Florida since 20001.  Having moved to Hendersonville, coming up on 2 years, Larry decided to leave his ‘garage teaching’ of his son and a few friends, and take his teaching up town to RISE MMA, a boxing and Muay Thai gym, that was interested in bringing Gracie Jiu-Jitsu – BJJ into the martial arts mix.

With Adult classes on Tuesday’s, Thursday’s, and Saturday’s, they felt it quite appropriate to get the school year started with Children’s Classes following the Adult evening classes on Tuesday and Thursday, and preceding the Adult classes on Saturday mornings.

Larry’s trademarked Kid-Jitsu curriculum is known throughout the U.S. as a safe and effective means to teach Kids the Art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. With BJJ being ‘proven’ in the ring to be one of the world’s greatest self defense systems, Larry created the Kid-Jitsu Curriculum to teach kids in 2004, and taught kids until he sold his Jiu-Jitsu Academy to one of his BJJ Black Belt students in the late 2019, and moved to Hendo.  His early efforts in Hendersonville were, as stated above in his garage with his son during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Suffice it to say parents are always eager to help their children stay safe, and there is NO DOUBT that BJJ that is taught to children, by knowledgeable teachers can be quite safe to learn and extremely effective in in a bullying or self-defense situation.

Please check the schedule at and come try a few classes to see if Jiu-Jitsu is for you and your children.  First class is FREE, no contracts, no hassles.

Oh yeah, in closing Professor Larry is also having a “Empowering Women Personal Defense” Workshop on September 18th” Check for information on this highly important event, that is great for mother and daughter combo’s in high school or going off to college!

About the Author

Training in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu since 1994. 4th-Degree Rigan Machado Black Belt Instructor. Christian, Husband, Father, Grateful Small Business Owner.

Larry Shealy